Monday, October 12, 2009

My Visit with my Jehovah's Witness Mother

I stayed with my parents this past weekend, as I came into town for my 35th high school class reunion from Tucson High School. The weather was lovely and so was everything else. I loved seeing all my old high school buddies, even those that were my friends since the 1st grade. Everyone looks great!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Another Heartbreak Caused by Jehovah's Witnesses Beliefs--with addendum

One Monday in 2009 I received an email from a woman who lives in the city that I grew up in requesting help for her daughter. This woman's 18 year old daughter had become involved with a young man who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Unfortunately, the mother did not know that her daughter would be studying to become a Jehovah's Witness herself. The mother thought that the family looked like a nice family, the boy seemed nice and clean cut. Little did this mother know that the parents of this young man would use deceptive recruiting methods to indoctrinate this young girl into Watchtower beliefs.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Introducing Myself

My name is Cynthia Hampton and I've just created this blog. I am married, I have three children who are all adults. My eldest son is 37 and married. My younger son is 27 and also married. My youngest, a daughter is 24 and soon to be married. Thankfully, none of them grew up to be Jehovah's Witnesses. I left the Watchtower organization when my eldest was 3 1/2 years old. We finally celebrated his birthday for the first time when he was four years old. In his "baby album", there are no traditional pictures of "baby's first Christmas", or baby's first birthday, since holidays and birthdays were strictly forbidden. So at the ripe old age of four, my eldest son finally had his first birthday cake with candles.

I became a Christian when I was 26 years old and it was the best decision of my life. Life in the Watchtower was extremely restrictive, we didn't even have the freedom to have Jesus Christ as our mediator. Being saved by grace was unheard of in the Watchtower, they have no "grace", only "undeserved kindness", which always made us feel like since we didn't deserve God's grace, we should never have it. I am thankful to God that He showed me the way to true salvation and true forgiveness of sins and that although the Watchtower rejected me and my old Watchtower friends shunned me and kicked me out of their "kingdom" (hall) the true God, will never kick me out of His real Kingdom.