Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Reconnecting after 36 years

In this month of May 2018, it has been exactly 36 years since I decided to visit a church after leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The more I think about it, the more I know that God had me go to the right church at the right time.

In my testimony, I always mention a lady named Mary K who had left the Jehovah’s Witnesses herself whom God truly used to open my eyes to the false teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I already knew, I did not like their doctrines, their views on women, or their views on marriage resulting in spousal abuse.

I have given my testimony many times and always mention how I met Mary at church, recognized her as an Ex JW and was so happy to meet her. She took me under her wing and showed me exactly what was wrong with the Watchtower. I think what nailed it for me was when she produced the April 1, 1979 Watchtower from the “Questions from Readers” where a person wrote in and asked if Jesus was the mediator for all Christians or not. The answer given by the Watchtower was a firm “no” because, as they explained, Jesus was only mediator for the “anointed” Jehovah’s Witnesses, or those who claimed to be part of the 144,000 “heavenly class.”

As I relooked at the passage from 1 Timothy chapter 2, the passage talks about “all people.” Even the New World Translation the word “all”. There is no delineation between separate classes of Christians. I was astute enough to figure out that “all” did not mean a limited number of people. Because of that, my mind really woke up. I had been living the past two years knowing that something was wrong with this picture, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. This was 1982, and the internet did not exist, but I did go on a quest for truth right after than when I moved to California a few months later.

I kept in touch with Mary K very briefly, but ultimately lost touch. She had no idea how much she affected my life and how she started me down the path to continue to search for truth. In 1983, I discovered so much more and listening to Walter Martin “The Bible Answer Man” on the radio was a godsend for me. Later that year or early in 1984, I finally was connected with Randall Watters who was running “Bethel Ministries” (later changing the name to Free Minds) and helping him type and edit articles he was preparing. Since that time, I have been helping ex Jehovah’s Witnesses understand what they have believed is false and sharing with them who Jesus Christ really is.

Studying apologetics in order to refute religious cultic doctrines because my favorite thing to do. Soon, I learned how to refute not only Watchtower Theology, but LDS theology as well. I realized too, how dangerous the New Age practices that I had once been involved in were and learned how unbiblical they are. I was loving the study of apologetics before most people knew what apologetics was.

One day recently, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to look her up and call her. I didn’t know how I could get a hold of her, but thankfully, I did find her phone number online. So out of the blue, I called her and she had just about forgotten all about me. A lot had happened in 36 years and unfortunately, she had also lost her husband as he went to be with the Lord. I told her that I had never forgotten her and had always mentioned how we met when I gave my testimony. It was because God used HER to help me and send me on my way. I would forever be thankful that God placed her at the particular church I visited at the right time. Hey, it was our “anniversary” of when we met. God had a plan for my life and for her life too. Our lives never really intersected again, but just the fact that God placed her in my path when He did was a very highly significant event in my life and I thank God that she was there for me.

When I called Mary K, it came at a time when she was feeling down and out and a little useless because she had been suffering from a broken ankle. Then I called to tell her that she really meant a LOT to me and it weren’t for the fact that God did use her, I wouldn’t have become the person I have become. What Mary K did for me was a very pivotal moment in my life in which I will always be grateful that she was there. God DOES work in mysterious ways and He sure knows what He is doing. I just needed her to know all that and am happy to be reconnected!

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